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Hello and welcome to the world of Bob The Block. This is just a simple comic that i make in my spare time, its main purpose is to make people laugh, but its also my way of satirising some of the mindlessness that we all see day to day. Please note that the views expressed by the characters in this comic are not necessarily my own views. Once again, this comic is meant as fun. Please take it like that. Any insults or flaming sent my way will be dealt with, using a firm "Fuck You".

This page contains the most recent comic strip, and above is the navigation bar to take you to a variety of different sections. Enjoy.

-Gareth Tamplin

The Webcomic List

Bob The Block is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of The Jaded. The 'Charcoal Indextemplate' is free-use for all!